Metabolic Syndrome

More Evidence Links Sugary Drinks to Diabetes

Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption was associated with an increased risk for metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes, according to a recent meta-analysis.1

While the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages has increased world-wide, research on the link between these drinks and metabolic syndrome remains controversial.
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To further investigate this potential association, the researchers examined data from 36 clinical and observational studies published within the last 10 years that examined the cardiometabolic effects of sugar-sweetened drinks.

Despite some studies that reported no negative health effects of sugar-sweetened beverages, the majority of studies found an association between metabolic syndrome and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption. These studies predominately analyzed individuals who consumed more than 5 sugar-sweetened beverages a week, however some studies found that consuming as few as 2 serving a week could increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Additionally, several studies found that consuming at least 1 sugar-sweetened beverage a day was associated with elevated blood pressure.

“The findings demonstrate there is a clear need for public education about the harmful effects of excess consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages,” the authors concluded. “But our understanding of this topic would benefit from additional research to further clarify how sugar-sweetened beverages affect our health. We do see some limitations in the current research on this topic, including a need for longer-term studies and standardized research methods.”2

—Melissa Weiss


1) Deshpande G, Mapanga RF, Essop ML. Frequent sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and the onset of cardiometabolic diseases: cause for concern? [published online November 2, 2017]. J. Endocrinol.

2) Research review finds link between soda, juice consumption and health problems [press release]. Washington, DC: Endocrine Society; November 2, 2017. Accessed November 3, 2017.