Where Do I Submit My Manuscript? All submissions must be received through our online submission system at www.editorialmanager.com/consultant. Please follow the instructions on this page. If you do not have an existing account, you will need to register a new account. If you already have an existing account, please do not make a new account. Log into your existing account and proceed to "Submit New Manuscript."

What If I Forgot My Username or Password? On the home page or login screen of www.editorialmanager.com/consultant, please follow the "Send Username/Password" link. The system will generate a new, temporary password that will be sent to the email address registered with the account.

What Forms Do I Need to Submit? See the list below.

  • Title page—Including submission title; authorship information with full name, academic degree(s) or credentials, and affiliations of each author; contact information for the corresponding author; disclosures of support; conflicts of interest.
  • Manuscript—Blinded manuscript should be in submitted in a Microsoft Word document with the required body sections, references, and table/figure legends. Tables must be in an editable form. Tables/figures/images should be submitted separately.
  • Author Disclosure form(s)—Each author listed should complete an Author Disclosure form (eg, 4 authors, 4 disclosure forms)
  • Patient ConsentPatient consent is required to be submitted if the manuscript and/or figures include identifiable patient characteristics, or for images of a sensitive nature (graphic images, including genitalia, etc).  

Does Consultant Have Author Guidelines or Templates? We do. Please see our Author Guidelines page for general instructions on how to submit to Consultant360. Please visit the Case Report Templates Page for more specific information on how to format your case report.

What Are Your Journal's Artwork Guidelines? See our Author Guidelines for information about requirements and accepted file formats for figures accompanying manuscripts.

What If I Would Like to Become a Peer Reviewer for ConsultantWe would welcome your involvement! Please send a short email to the editorial office summarizing your areas of expertise and qualifications to our editorial office, and please include a recent CV.