tips and tricks

Practical Pointers: Discover Shortcuts Devised by Colleagues (October 2006)

"B" What?

To initiate a discussion with a patient about excess weight without causing embarrassment or offense, try reporting the patient's body mass index (BMI), saying something like the following: "Mr X, did you know that your BMI is 36?" Patients typically answer with something such as "No--what's a BMI?" This creates an easy opening for discussion of the comorbidities associated with excess weight and counseling about lifestyle changes.

- Mark Shatsky, DO

Easy Freezing of Recalcitrant Keratoses

Application of liquid nitrogen often must be repeated several times when used to treat thick seborrheic keratoses--and still may be ineffective. For an immediate and excellent cosmetic result, try liquid nitrogen for 5 seconds, followed by gentle curettage. Any pinpoint bleeding can be stopped with aluminum chloride.

-Benjamin Barankin, MD Toronto

Ring Stuck? Just Spray and Slide!

For easy removal of a too-tight ring, spray with glass cleaner. The ring will slip off!

- Sheryl Mulder, ARNP Oskaloosa, Iowa

When You Can't Pry Those Hiding Eyes

When young children have an irritant in their eyes, it can be very difficult to get them to open their eyes so that they can be irrigated. To reduce the stinging and make opening the eyes easier, try putting a drop of an ocular anesthetic in each medial canthus while the child is supine; be sure to wait for it to seep in.

D. Brady Pregerson, MD
Los Angeles