Diabetes Q&A

Editor’s Note - November 2014

“Obesity is an issue, but it is not the only issue,” said Timothy Harlan, MD, keynote speaker at Consultant’s 2014 Cardiometabolic Risk Summit (October 10-12, 2014, Las Vegas). “Weight loss is only half the dialogue and it is less important than you think.” 

CRS Fall focused largely on making patients healthier—whether it was through exercise, medication, surgery, dietary changes, or improved physician-patient interaction. The goal was to offer the attendees key take-away points that can make significant changes in their patient’s health (eg, rather than talk about weight loss and discourage a patient, instead talk about the quality of the calories consumed). 

“Only we have the relationships with the individuals sitting in front of us. We are the ones who get to explain [diabetes], frame it, and help them make healthier choices. There is no one else out there who can do it for us,” said Daniel Einhorn, MD. 

Since November is American Diabetes Awareness month, here is a selection of diabetes-related content available on Consultant360:

Bariatric surgery can lower diabetes risk by 80%. Researchers followed 2167 obese individuals who underwent laparoscopic gastric banding, gastric bypass, or sleeve gastrectomy to compare the effectiveness of the procedures.1

A little sunshine may slow the onset of obesity and symptoms of type 2 diabetes. Researchers studied how ultraviolet light exposure impacts the development of obesity and diabetes.2

Screen all at-risk adults for diabetes. The US Preventive Services Task Force issued new updated guidelines that any adult over the age of 45 and all adults under the age of 45 classified as high risk should be screened for type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance.3

Low levels of vitamin D are associated with an increased risk of diabetes. Researchers are investigating whether the relationship between vitamin D levels and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes is causal.4


Pooja Shah

Managing Editor, Consultant and Consultant360


1.Potts M. Bariatric surgery can lower diabetes risk by 80%. November 3, 2014. Accessed November 5, 2014.

2.Mullarkey C. Could sun exposure keep obesity and diabetes at bay? October 27, 2014. Accessed November 5, 2014.

3.Potts M. USPSTF: Screen all at risk adults for diabetes. October 7, 2014. Accessed November 5, 2014.

4.Canales M. Can vitamin D supplementation prevent diabetes? October 2, 2014. Accessed November 5, 2014.